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Tag: Business Insurance

How to Create a Safer Workplace in Any Industry

How to Create a Safer Workplace in Any Industry

National Safety Month in June serves as a crucial reminder of the importance of safety in every facet of our lives. The significance of safety plays a significant role in the place where most of us spend most of our week: the workplace. Business owners should prioritize safety as it directly impacts employee well-being, productivity, and overall success. Ensuring a safe work environment reduces the...

Navigating Large Loss in a Small Business

Navigating Large Loss in a Small Business

Having your own business can be an extremely rewarding endeavor. All businesses encounter risks, but successful ones know how to approach those risks in a calculated and strategic fashion. However, even calculated decisions sometimes cannot predict situations that lead to financial loss. Specifically, business losses occur when operating expenses exceed the revenue earned during a certain period. A wide range of variables can lead to...

Strategies to Combat Employee Theft

Strategies to Combat Employee Theft

Employee theft is a major issue that many business owners must unfortunately confront, damaging employer-employee trust and creating an intolerable financial burden on operations. Taking proactive measures to prevent and address instances of theft is crucial to protecting the business community. On average, workplace theft results in a staggering $50 billion in losses each year. The Alarming Scope of Employee Theft The growing prevalence of...

The Cost of Not Having Business Insurance

The Cost of Not Having Business Insurance

Running a business comes with many risks, from property damage to legal liabilities. While some business owners may see insurance as an unnecessary expense, the cost of failing to have adequate coverage can far outweigh the premiums paid. It is essential to understand the potential consequences of operating without business insurance. Financial Losses from Property Damage Property damage can occur unexpectedly due to natural disasters,...

Why Cargo Insurance Might Be The Most Important Policy For Your Business

Why Cargo Insurance Might Be The Most Important Policy For Your Business

Every month or so it seems we hear about another incident involving a cargo ship, resulting in a substantial financial loss.   The recent Baltimore tragedy is bringing into question by some yet again the safety of commercial shipping, and it wasn't that long ago when over 1800 containers were lost at sea in a Pacific storm, causing almost $100 million in cargo losses alone.  Forecasters...